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Final Adjudication Issued - Urbane Development Group LTD


The Pennsylvania State Ethics Commission has issued

a final adjudication in the following matters under

The Lobbying Disclosure Law


Order No. 165-SL 
Urbane Development Group LTD
Registered Principal
Philadelphia County, PA

1.         Urbane Development Group LTD, in its capacity as a principal registered with the Pennsylvania Department of State ("Department of State") under principal registration number "P69425," violated Section 13A05 of Pennsylvania's lobbying disclosure law ("Lobbying Disclosure Law"), 65 Pa.C.S. § 13A05, when it failed to timely file with the Department of State either a quarterly expense report or statement of failure to meet the reporting threshold for the second quarter of 2023.

2.         The violations of the Lobbying Disclosure Law outlined in paragraph 1 immediately above are deemed to be negligent in nature.

3.         Pursuant to Section 13A09(c) of the Lobbying Disclosure Law, 65 Pa.C.S. § 13A09(c), this Commission hereby levies one administrative penalty against Urbane Development Group LTD, in the total amount of $30,300.00, calculated as follows: $50 per day for the first ten days its second quarter 2023 expense report or statement of failure to meet the reporting threshold was delinquent, plus  $100.00 per day for the next ten days its second quarter 2023 expense report or statement of failure to meet the reporting threshold was delinquent, plus $200 per day for the remaining 144 days its second quarter 2023 expense report or statement of failure to meet the reporting threshold was delinquent (10 days x $50.00 + 10 days x $100.00 + 144 x $200.00 = $30,300.00).

4.         Urbane Development Group LTD, is ordered to pay the aforesaid administrative penalty in the total amount of $30,300.00, by no later than the thirtieth (30th) day after the mailing date of this Order, by utilizing the Commission's electronic payment system or by forwarding to this Commission a certified check or money order in the amount of $30,300.00 made payable to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, for deposit in the State Treasury.

5.         Noncompliance with Paragraph 4 of this Order will result in the Commission initiating appropriate enforcement action(s).


You may access the full text version of the above ruling by clicking on the link or by copying and pasting them into your browser:


165-SL:  165-SL Urbane Development Group LTD (

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