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Department of Health Highlights January 2021 Nursing Home Inspection, Sanction Information Amidst COVID-19 Pandemic


Harrisburg, PA - In the January 2021 report, Pennsylvania Department of Health nursing home surveyors conducted 712 inspections, including 351 complaint investigations, of 472 separate nursing homes. Of these, 222 were COVID-19-specific investigations. There were no new sanctions finalized against a nursing care facility in the past month.

“If you see something wrong happening in a nursing home, please speak up. We are listening,” Acting Secretary of Health Alison Beam said. “The department investigates all complaints and takes further action if necessary to ensure out-of-compliance actions are corrected to better protect and provide the best support for our most vulnerable Pennsylvanians.” 

Individuals with complaints about a nursing home can file that complaint with the department in several ways. Complaints can be made anonymously by calling 1-800-254-5164, filling out the online complaint form, emailing or sending the complaint in the mail to the department.

While residents and staff at skilled nursing facilities are receiving vaccine, it is essential that everyone remain vigilant regarding the potential spread of COVID-19 in congregate care facilities. Data regarding long-term care facility (LTCF) cases can be found on the department’s LTCF data page.

The inspections include information on nursing home patient care and building inspections. If a facility is cited for not following regulations during the survey, it must submit a plan of correction that includes what will be done to fix the issue and a completion date for the resolution. The department will conduct a surprise follow-up inspection to ensure the issue is resolved. Surveys are posted to the website 41 days after the survey is completed.

The Department of Health also conducts surveys on behalf of the Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services (CMS). These surveys include federal certification and recertification, complaint surveys, building safety surveys and others.

The department also may issue sanctions that could include a civil penalty, a ban on admissions, a license being revoked, or a facility being put on a provisional license, which requires, among other things, being subject to additional inspections. A provisional license can be renewed no more than three times. The department can return the facility to a regular license if it is satisfied that all issues have been corrected and it is warranted.

The department maintains a searchable database, which allows the public to view patient care surveys, building safety surveys, size of the nursing home, type of ownership and additional information about each of the nursing homes in the state. The department oversees 692 nursing homes and more than 88,000 beds within nursing homes in Pennsylvania, in addition to other facilities, including hospitals, ambulatory surgical facilities, home care agencies and others.

The Wolf Administration has taken a three-pillar approach to protecting the vulnerable residents living in nursing homes and other long-term living settings from COVID-19:

·       Ensuring resident safety through testing, education and resources;

·       Preventing and mitigating outbreaks; and

·       Working in partnership with state agencies, local health departments and long-term care facility operators.

Additionally, all nursing homes enrolled in the Federal Pharmacy Partnership established by the federal government have completed their first dose clinics through CVS and Walgreens.

CVS has administered 100 percent of second doses in skilled nursing facilities.

Walgreens has administered 91 percent of second doses in skilled nursing facilities. Additionally, there are 35 additional clinics in nursing homes scheduled over the next 7 days including today.

More information regarding case information for all nursing homes, guidance provided to nursing homes, the orders in place, fact sheets and frequently asked questions documents to assist in regard to what is being done by the state to assist nursing homes can be found on the department’s COVID-19 nursing home page.

While COVID-19 vaccine supply from the federal government remains limited, the Department of Health is working to ensure the vaccine is provided in a way that is ethical, equitable and efficient.

  • The Your Turn tool provides a way to register to be alerted when it’s your turn to be vaccinated.
  • A commonwealth COVID-19 vaccination guide explains the current process for getting one. Pennsylvanians with questions about the vaccination process can call the Department of Health hotline at 1-877-724-3258.
  • Vaccine provider map to find a COVID-19 vaccine provider near you.
  • All of the locations that received vaccine and how much they have received can be found on the COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution webpage.
  • Vaccine dashboard data can also be found on the website to find more information on the doses administered and showcase demographic information.

·       Pennsylvanians can provide feedback on the Pennsylvania COVID-19 Interim Vaccination Plan by clicking on the Plan Feedback Form square under Popular Vaccine Topics here.

·       Frequently asked questions can be found here.

The Wolf Administration stresses the role Pennsylvanians play in helping to reduce the spread of COVID-19:

·       Wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds or use hand sanitizer if soap and water are not available.

·       Cover any coughs or sneezes with your elbow, not your hands.

·       Clean surfaces frequently.

·       Stay home to avoid spreading COVID-19, especially if you are unwell.

·       If you must go out, you are required to wear a mask when in a business or where it is difficult to maintain proper social distancing.

·       Download the COVID Alert PA app and make your phone part of the fight. The free app can be found in the Google Play Store and the Apple App Store by searching for “covid alert pa”.

Updated Coronavirus Links: Press Releases, State Lab Photos, Graphics

·       Daily COVID-19 Report

·       Press releases regarding coronavirus

·       Latest information on the coronavirus

·       Photos of the state’s lab in Exton (for download and use)

·       Coronavirus and preparedness graphics (located at the bottom of the page)

Community preparedness and procedures materials

MEDIA CONTACT: Barry Ciccocioppo -

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 Content Editor

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