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Department of Health Employees Give to Families in Need for Commonwealth’s 27th Annual Holiday Wish Program Event


Harrisburg, PA – The Department of Health joined Governor Tom Wolf and other Pennsylvania agencies in donating presents to families in need as part of the commonwealth’s 27th Annual Holiday Wish Program.


“The Holiday Wish Program allows us to give to families who need some help during this time of year,” said Dr. Murphy. “Department of Health employees are dedicated to helping Pennsylvanians live healthier, happier lives. And I want to personally thank each and every one of them for helping to make this holiday season a little bit merrier for families across the commonwealth.”


The families and older adults sponsored for the event were identified through case workers at county assistance offices, a senior citizen complex serving older adults in need, and a community action agency. The families list a few gifts they would like to receive, and teams of state employees then choose to sponsor a family or individual.


Governor Wolf presided over the event today at the Keystone Building in Harrisburg as employees presented their gifts to the Pennsylvania National Guard for distribution.


The Holiday Wish Program was started in 1989 by a small group of employees from the Department of Human Services. Over the years, it has grown to include hundreds of employees in several agencies.


For more information on how the Department of Health works to serve your community, visit


MEDIA CONTACT: April Hutcheson, 717-787-1783

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